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Umetniški projekt in sodelovanje z raziskavo iLIVE

Writer: iLIVE ProjectiLIVE Project

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

Fotograf Matija Tomc, tudi prostovoljec pri slovenskem društvu Hospic, je zbral desetčlansko ekipo za pilotni projekt Soočanje s smrtjo, v katerem se lotevajo teme umiranja in smrti. Z umetniškim projektom, pri katerem fotografirajo umirajočega v zadnjem obdobju življenja in ob njegovi smrti, bi radi spodbudili razpravo o odnosu do smrti, umiranju in umrlih. V umetniškem projektu sodeluje tudi predstavnica raziskave iLIVE psihologinja Hana Kodba Čeh. Več si lahko preberete na spodnji povezavi: Ni svetniškega sija v umiranju - Delo​

Collaboration of iLIVE and the art project Facing death

Photographer and a volunteer in the Slovenian Hospice Association Matija Tomc assembled a team of ten members for the pilot project Facing Death, which tackles the topic of dying and death. The art project involves photographing the dying in the last stages of life and at the time of death, aiming to stimulate debate on attitudes towards death, dying and deceased individuals. Sharing a similiar aim, a representative of the iLIVE project Hana Kodba Čeh joined the team. More at the link in the newspaper Delo: Ni svetniškega sija v umiranju - Delo​ ​


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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825731

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