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iLIVE will be one of the subjects covered in the International Collaborative’s Summer School

Writer: iLIVE ProjectiLIVE Project

The volunteer study in iLIVE Project will be one of the subjects covered in the next edition of the International Collaborative’s Summer School. This initiative will be held in Benalmádena (Málaga, Spain) next May, from 7th to 9th. The objective for this meeting is to provide a space where current topics and new perspectives on key issues regarding end of life care are debated, compared and discussed.

This edition will be the fourth one for the Summer School, an initiative of the International Collaborative for Best Care for the Dying Person that aims to engage professionals working in end of life care worldwide by providing an international forum for interdisciplinary knowledge sharing and a space to meet and debate about the discipline and the current situation of research on the topic.

For this edition, the organization of the meeting has decided to make changes in the schedule. Instead of focusing on workshops for the participants about the work on the collaborative, the programme will now revolve around more specific topics. For this purpose, different parallel sessions will be conducted that will follow certain aspects from four different research programmes in which members of the Collaborative take part. In this way, the Summer School will be more agile and the programme will address important topics of a practical nature.

The volunteer study

The Volunteer Study has been chosen as one of this topics. This study is listed as Work Package 3 in the iLIVE programme and aims to develop and evaluate an international volunteer training programme that will support both patients dying in the hospital and their families.

This programme will be tested in five different countries: the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Spain and Norway. The research, that will start with the training sessions this year, will examine the effects of the volunteer programme on the experience of dying and the quality of care as perceived by all actors involved. It will also identify factors that influence the implementation and impact of this kind of initiatives.

The Summer School will hold five different sessions about this WP. The first one will update the progress made by the team. Then, the training process will be addressed. A Learning Lab, and examination of the protocol and research element and the communication of the plan will complete the presence of iLIVE in this forum.

The other initiatives included will be the Serious Illness Communication Programme (SICP), a session about Facilitator Network and another one in spanish about the Cui-DAR Project, and end of life care plan. All sessions will be held in Hotel Polynesia.

People interested in taking part can register here.

If you want to send an abstract you can do so here.


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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825731

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